Create your POC

No-code allows you to quickly build a prototype of your idea. Proof that it works, without needing to get a developer. For any budget, with a quick turnaround.

no-code starting blocks

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No-Code Web3: Do it with Hedera

Hedera is the 3rd generation blockchain. It is fast, secure, cheap and fees are always pegged to the dollar. Predictable and scalable! It is ideal for no-code solutions.

Consensus Service

The backbone of the Hedera network - HCS. Create a topic ID, and send immutable timestamped events. Great examples are (supply chain traceability) and Adsdax (online advertisements).

Token Service

Create (mint) your own tokens or NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) through the Hedera Token Service (HTS). Low and predictable fees.

Learn from examples

Check out the use-cases. Specially created to demonstrate how no-coding can deliver working Proof-Of-Concepts.

Why No-code can help you

It's fun

Explore the wide world of possibilities with no-code - anything is possible!

Create a POC

Have an idea but don't have the coding skills? Make your idea reality, show it to the world and get traction on your project.

Low barrier

No need to learn complicated coding languages. Just some basic understanding of logic and APIs can get you going.

Reduce costs

By trying out your idea, you can save time and costs on a developer. And - you will be able to show him/her a working back-end logic.

Use web3

Hedera is perfect to be used for no-coding. Using Trust.Enterprises you will create your own gateway on Web3 via Hedera.

It's the future

No-Code tools are getting user friendlier, and more accessible and scalabe. A fast growing industry!